Elevating NFT Insights with FlareChain's Branding and Web Design

FlareChain is a trailblazing NFT insights platform that empowers collectors and investors in the ever-evolving world of non-fungible tokens. With a commitment to providing comprehensive analytics and valuable data, FlareChain has emerged as a trusted resource in the NFT community. Their dedication to innovation and a user-friendly experience makes them a beacon for those seeking to navigate the complexities of the NFT market. As a visionary client, FlareChain challenged our design team to craft a visual identity and landing page that would not only reflect their commitment to excellence but also capture the attention and engagement of their audience.

Brand Guidelines

We began by carefully curating a brand visual identity that would resonate with NFT collectors and investors. For instance, our choice of the bold and vibrant color #C735D3 as the primary accent color represents the dynamic nature of the NFT market, while the soft secondary color #E2DCEB brings a sense of tranquility and balance to the design.‍Typography played a pivotal role as well, with 'Red Hat Display' chosen as the main font for its professional and modern aesthetic, and 'Aldrich' as the secondary font to add a touch of geometric style. These elements combined to form a cohesive and visually striking brand identity, setting the stage for the creation of the user-friendly and engaging landing page that seamlessly guides users through the world of NFT insights.